Automated Do Not Buy Alerts

Protect your business
Automated Do Not Buy Alerts

Manage Do Not Buy Alerts

Do Not Buy Alerts will automatically put individuals in your CRM into "Do Not Buy" status. If any of these individuals attempt to sell to your business, users will receive an alert.

Automated protection

WeighPay offers automated protection against potential sellers and the loss of revenue by preventing transactions from happening. You can tag certain individuals as “Do Not Buy” and be alerted if these individuals try to sell to your business. No need for manually blocking individual accounts or leaving yourself vulnerable.

Transactional risk mitigation

WeighPay's manages the risk of transacting with individuals who have been marked as "Do Not Buy." If these individuals attempt to sell to your business, you will be alerted.

Explore other features of WeighPay's

Customer, Hauler & Supplier Management


The basics of a CRM, storing account details about individuals and businesses including basic details, contact information, identification, physical attribute descriptions, custom pricing agreements and known vehicle details.
Make Sorting your Customer Files Simple

Differenciate Between Retail, Business Customers and Suppliers

Make Sorting your Customer Files Simple
Categorize contacts by their relationship type. Assign multiple relationship types to an individual based on their transactions with your business.

Customizable Contact Categories

Categorize contacts by their relationship type. Assign multiple relationship types to an individual based on their transactions with your business.
Dynamic Price Sheets for Suppliers and Customers

Dynamic Formula Driven Price Sheets

Dynamic Price Sheets for Suppliers and Customers
Generate SMS marketing campaigns

SMS Marketing Campaigns

Generate SMS marketing campaigns
Texas DPS Ready

Cash Card Management

Texas DPS Ready
Protect your business

Automated Do Not Buy Alerts

Protect your business
Quickly Capture Inbound Vehicle Data

Vehicle Data Management

Quickly Capture Inbound Vehicle Data
Keep Customers in the Loop

Email Price Sheets

Keep Customers in the Loop
Centralized Customer Database

Contact Information

Centralized Customer Database
Scan, Snap and Create in seconds

Capture Personal Information

Scan, Snap and Create in seconds